

Kinglon’s debut on AIMEX


Kinglon’s debut on AIMEX
411 exhibitors take part in AIMEX(Asia-Pacific’s International Mining Exhibition)this year, among which 52 are wearing parts supplier, while Kinglon is the only metal ceramic composite wearing parts supplier.
Visitors are impressive of the Kinglon’s state of art products, the attractive stand-booth design, and the professional uniform.
It’s always pleasure and constructive of the meet and talk between the CEOs of our customers and Kinglon’s CEO Mr. Qunli Zhang who is a master of UNSW during the exhibition. The technical Chief Mr. Maili Lin enjoys the fly-visiting customers at Melbourne and Brisbane. 
Something incredible is three times meet with a big customer in a week at Sydney, Brisbane and Yiyang Kinglon foundry, China. He is eager to check Kinglon’s facility right after his witnessing of Kinglon’s product on AIMEX and business meeting with Kinglon’s people at his own office at Brisbane.

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